Guarantee the continuous training of all Group employees by guaranteeing 25 million hours of training by 2024 and 25 million by 2028
For Poste Italiane, the role of human capital is particularly important, being a distinctive and essential element for the achievement of the company objectives and the creation of competitive advantage. Precisely for this reason, the Group actively promotes and invests in training courses aimed at preparing staff to effectively meet the challenges and needs of a constantly changing business context. In particular, the role of training within the Company is a fundamental aspect of the process of continuous development of personal and professional skills, targeted at each person in the Group. With this in mind, Poste Italiane, through the adoption of innovative formats and knowledge sharing tools, is constantly striving to improve the learning experience in order to simplify access to training content and ensure continuity of learning. The Company, in accordance with the principles expressed in the Code of Ethics, expresses its commitment to recognising and valuing the individual contribution of each member of the company population, committing itself to guaranteeing equal opportunities in career paths for all employees, without making distinctions of any kind.
In line with the Strategic Plan, the training initiatives are part of a much broader project, which, in accordance with company principles and the demands of the market, customers and regulations, provides for the provision of approximately 25 million hours of training in the five-year period 2020-2024.