Monitoring the ESG profiles of the investment portfolio
For the Poste Vita Group162, the weighted average ESG score for the investment portfolio in 2023 was 54/100 for corporate issuers and 77/100 for country issuers. The results obtained are higher than the ESG performance of the reference benchmarks, iShares MSCI World ETF equal to 43/100 for corporate investments (equity and corporate bonds) and Xtrackers Global Government Bond equal to 65/100 for government investments, confirming the high quality of the Group’s investments in terms of sustainability. With respect to the CFET (Carbon Footprint Energy Transition) analysis, the weighted average carbon footprint of its portfolio was 7,342,187 tCO2eq, with an Energy Transition score of 57/100 for corporate issuers. The comparison with the Ishares MSCI World ETF benchmark is unfavourable in terms of carbon footprint (equal to 6,213,978 tCO2eq for the ETF), while the Energy Transition of Poste Vita investments is higher than that of the index (score 47/100). Lastly, the Carbon Footprint of government investments was equal to 356,862,393 tCO2eq and the Energy Transition score was 73/100.
With reference to BancoPosta Fondi SGR, the weighted average ESG score of the portfolios relating to the direct and indirect management of the AMC was found to be equal to 54/100 for corporate issuers and 76/100 for country issuers. BancoPosta Fondi SGR also scored higher than the ESG performance of its reference benchmarks, iShares MSCI World ETF at 43/100 for corporate investments (equity + corporate bonds) and Xtrackers Global Government Bond at 65/100 for government investments. This result confirms, once again, the high level of quality of the Group’s investments in the area of sustainability.
Compared to the CFET analysis, the weighted average carbon footprint of direct and indirect investments in companies of the AMC was equal to 5,077,339 tCO2eq, with an Energy Transition score of 57/100 for issuing companies. Both indicators performed better than the Ishares MSCI World ETF benchmark (6,213,978 tCO2eq, Energy Transition score 47/100). The Carbon Footprint of government investments, however, is equal to 504,143,360 tCO2eq and the Energy Transition score is 72/100.