Poste Italiane and parenting support
The company’s commitment to support Active Parenthood continues in line with corporate policy, which has led to diversified initiatives aimed at fostering gender balance, including through measures accompanying a change in the cultural paradigm in the sharing of family responsibilities, as well as the introduction of measures and paths aimed at enhancing the skills acquired during parenthood, which are also essential for professional growth. The Company aims to generate a management alliance capable of overcoming dysfunctional cultural systems and biases to enhance inclusion and life balance in the family as well as at work.
In continuity with previous years, the company PosteBimbi creche service remains active at the Rome and Bologna sites for the children of employees and a portion for users from municipal and third-party entities. The service is provided for the children and grandchildren of Group employees. The service is extended to more than 100 families with children from three to 36 months; an employee contribution from the company of 55% of the value of the monthly fee is provided. The objective is to guarantee a flexible educational service in relation to work pace, to combine professionalism and quality in respect of the values expressed by families. The distinctiveness of the educational programme is represented by an integrated relational approach on the part of all the players involved in the process, by attention to the values of environmental sustainability, by cross-culturalism (bilingualism) and by inclusion and educational alliance with families to foster dialogue through innovative communication methods. There is also a counselling service within the nurseries to support families in dealing with their children’s developmental processes, together with the structuring of a cycle of dedicated seminar programmes.
The Company has set itself the objective of contributing to the strengthening of measures and pathways aimed at promoting active parenthood, also as levers to combat the phenomenon of denatality and to encourage an increasingly balanced distribution of care burdens.
In this context, 4 parenting support seminars were held for all employees, innovative and structured parental involvement programmes with a kick-off and 6 webinars dedicated to raising awareness of dedicated projects such as the Lifeed Parents programme (about +33% compared to last year with a 40% representation of fathers), as well as the launch of gradual actions in relation to the return-to-work accompaniment paths provided for in the company Policy.