Offsetting of aircraft fleet emissions

Offsetting of aircraft fleet emissions

ETS quotas

Poste Air Cargo, the Italian leader in full-freighter air transport, connects 8 Italian airports with a night-time network to serve the cargo courier segment logistics support of Poste Italiane.

As far as the airline fleet is concerned, the rules of the UE Emission Trading System (UE ETS) stipulate that annually, by April 30th, companies covered by the greenhouse gas emission reduction scheme - including airlines - must surrender a sufficient number of ETS allowances to cover their emissions for the previous calendar year.

The price dynamics for 2023, influenced by the current socio-economic context, are characterised by stable quotations, with an average CO2e price of about €84, slightly higher than in 2022, which was about €81. Poste Air Cargo, in line with the Group’s green strategy, has launched a specific feasibility study aimed at identifying the possible and most suitable actions to be taken to contain greenhouse gas emissions directly attributable to air transport.