Polis Project

Within the framework of the “National Plan for Complementary Investments” (Law Decree no. 59 of 6 May 2021, converted, with amendments, into Law no. 101 of 1 July 2021) of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), with the aim of promoting the economic, social and territorial cohesion of the country and overcoming the digital divide in small towns and inland areas, the Polis Project - House of Digital Services was approved.

The two lines of intervention 

  • SPORTELLO UNICO (ONE-STOP SHOP): makes provision for the digital renovation and upgrading by 2026 of 6,933 Post Offices to enable Italians resident in municipalities with fewer than 15,000 inhabitants, equipped with at least one Post Office, to easily use the services of the Public Administration. The Post Office will be transformed into a hub for physical and digital services, through the introduction of new technologies and tools to enable complete, fast, easy and digital use of services 24 hours a day.
  • SPACES FOR ITALY: envisages the creation of a national network of co-working* and training spaces with a widespread presence in Italy. Workstations, meeting spaces, shared services, event and training areas will be open to private individuals, companies and public administration, universities and research centres.

Initiatives planned until 2026


Title: Planned Interventions by 2026

Financial Investment Plan: €1.2 billion

Public funds under the National Complementary Plan to the PNRR: €0.8 billion

Post Offices involved with < 15,000 inhabitants: 6,933

Co-working spaces: 250

Charging stations: 5,000

Photovoltaic systems: 1,000

Digital showcases: 4,000

Advanced ATMs: 7,000

Self-service totems: 4,000

Equipped outdoor spaces: 1,000

Some PA services that can be provided at the One-stop shop

Identity DocumentsPersonal Identity
Judicial CertificatesSocial Security
Services to Regions and other
  • Electronic Identity
  • Passport
  • National Services Card
  • Health Card
  • Tax Code
  • Duplicate Driving
  • Licence
  • Card Birth Certificate
  • Citizenship
  • Residence
  • Civil Status
  • Family Status
  • Criminal Records
  • Acts of voluntary
  • OBIS/M Model
  • Pay slips Pensions
  • Single Certification
  • Reservation on single regional
  • Self-declaration of income
  • Compulsory insurance for
  • RAI fee waiver/exemption

2023 Initiatives

  • One-stop shop: in the course of 2023, real estate and technological upgrades were launched in post offices at 1,739 sites (a total of 1,766 works started since the beginning
    of the project) and works were completed at 941 post offices (a total of 1,190 works completed since the beginning of the project until the end of February 2024).
  • Spaces for Italy: during 2023, renovation work continued on the buildings owned by the Company, and at 29 February 2024 a total of 55 building works on the project sites had been started and 31 had been completed.

Sustainable development goals

With the Polis Project, Poste Italiane intends to play a leading role in the country’s recovery for the benefit of citizens and their participation in public life by adopting a responsible approach in order to reduce its environmental footprint and contribute to the low-carbon transition of the economy and the entire country.
The initiative is consistent with Poste Italiane’s broader strategy of sustainable, digital and inclusive development.

The Polis Project generates significant impacts throughout the territory, also with a view to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

gender equality
Affordable and clean energy
Decent work and economic growth
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Sustainable cities and communities
Climate action
Life on land
Peace, justice and strong institutions

On 30 January 2023, in the presence of the President of the Republic, the President of the Council, the Secretary of State of the Holy See, numerous government representatives, and
institutions, the POLIS project was presented in Rome by the Chairwoman and CEO of the Company, to the 7,000 mayors of the municipalities involved, which in Italy represent 90% of
the municipalities with a land area equal to 80% of the country and in which 16 million people live.

For more information on the project, please refer to the website under Polis project.