About us

We are the largest service distribution network in Italy, covering activities that range from logistics, letter and parcel delivery and financial and insurance services to payment systems and telecommunications. The Group’s recent entry into the energy market confirms the Company as a reference point for satisfying the needs of Italian families, no longer only related to savings, investment, financing, fixed and mobile telephony and fibre, but also linked to electricity and gas.

Poste Italiane is an integral part of the Country’s economic, social and production fabric and is a unique entity in Italy in terms of size, recognisability and widespread coverage. The Company’s activities therefore generate significant impacts throughout the territory, also with a view to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Poste Italiane’s ownership

Poste Italiane has issued shares listed on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (Electronic Stock Exchange - MTA) organised and managed by Borsa Italiana SpA as of 27 October 2015. At 31 December 2023, the Company is 29.26% owned by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance (MEF) and 35% owned by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SpA (CDP), also controlled by the MEF. The remaining shares are held by institutional and retail investors. A total of 33.9%2 of the shares held by institutional investors of Poste Italiane SpA belong to investors who apply ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) criteria in their investment choices.

The share capital of Poste Italiane SpA consists of 1,306,110,000 ordinary shares, of which 1,295,434,202 are outstanding at 31 December 2023.

Poste Italiane’s ownership

Poste Italiane’s organisational structure

The organisation of Poste Italiane SpA includes business functions3 specialising in the main offer areas that cover the Group’s 4 business sectors and two commercial channels responsible for sales of products/services, which are supported by corporate functions of guidance, governance, control and provision of services in support of business processes.

Poste Italiane’s organisational structure

Group structure

At 31 December 2023, the Group held, directly and indirectly, equity investments in 51 companies and consortia, of which 33 are consolidated on a line-by-line basis, 3 are subsidiaries and valued using the equity method, 8 are associates and valued using the equity method, 1 is an associate classified under financial assets held for sale pursuant to IFRS 5 and 6 represent minority stakes.


2 Source: Nasdaq Corporate Solutions.

3 These are the Mail, Communication and Logistics functions for the offer of mail, parcels and commercial communication services and BancoPosta as placement intermediary for the financial and insurance offer. The other two business areas are covered by PostePay for the payments, telephony and energy sales services offering and by Poste Vita Group for the insurance range.


"The infographic represents the organizational chart of the Board of Directors of Poste Italiane, highlighting the various corporate functions, commercial channels, business areas, and group companies.

  • At the top, the Board of Directors with two main roles: Chairman and CEO and General Manager.
  • Below the Board of Directors, there are:
    • Internal Control (Corporate Function).
    • Technical Secretariat (Corporate Function).
    • Corporate Affairs Deputy General Manager (Corporate Function), with three departments under it:
      • Administration, Finance and Control (Corporate Function).
      • Digital, Technology & Operations (Corporate Function).
      • Group Strategic Marketing (Corporate Function).
  • Under these departments, there are:
    • Poste Vita (Group Company).
    • BancoPosta (Business Area).
      • Under BancoPosta, there are two commercial channels:
        • Private Market (Commercial Channel).
        • Business and Public Administration Market (Commercial Channel).
    • Post, Communication and Logistics (Business Area).
    • PostePay (Group Company).

The infographic uses color codes to distinguish the different categories:

  • Blue for Corporate Functions.
  • Yellow for Business Areas.
  • Dark Blue for Commercial Channels.
  • Gray for Group Companies."