Poste Italiane’s green strategy

Poste Italiane’s green strategy

PAS 2060 certification obtained for the Padua Sorting Centre

During 2023, Poste Italiane completed work on the Padua Sorting Centre, aimed at transforming the site into a carbon-neutral location.

Specifically, through strategic planning and the definition of intervention guidelines, the Padua Sorting Centre is able to achieve a balance between daily carbon dioxide emissions and those absorbed or not produced by it, in carrying out its various activities. To this end, through the installation of 90 probes with pipes that go into the ground for at least 130 metres, the Padua site is able to obtain energy from geological sources in the subsoil, capturing the natural heat of the ground. The aim is to replicate the model in all Poste Italiane’s areas with suitable characteristics to that of the Veneto city.

The initiative, which is part of the Group’s broader goal of achieving Carbon Neutrality in 2030, led to the achievement of PAS 2060 in 2023, certifying the site’s neutrality of CO2 emissions in accordance with the most stringent environmental requirements