Poste Italiane’s Photovoltaic Project

Poste Italiane’s Photovoltaic Project

Largest photovoltaic plant in the centre-south of Italy inaugurated in Palermo

The new photovoltaic plant, which went into operation in Palermo in 2023, claims to be the largest in the centre-south of Italy, with a production capacity of around 250 homes.

The inauguration of the plant allows Poste Italiane to accelerate its path towards the goal of carbon neutrality by 2030.

The Group plans to construct 1,400 photovoltaic systems by 2026, which will cover 15% of the Company’s energy needs. Of these, around 300 medium to large ones, such as the one inaugurated in Palermo, capable of meeting the energy needs of 250 homes, will be built by 2024.