Poste Prospettiva Valore Gold

Poste Prospettiva Valore Gold

Poste Prospettiva Valore Gold is a class I insurance solution with specific assets, the benefits of which are linked to a Specific Asset Pool for the first 5 years of the product’s duration and to the Posta Vita Valore Solidita segregated fund for the following 5 years.

Both product components apply ESG integration criteria based on achieving a weighted average portfolio ESG rating of at least 50/100, both for the component invested in corporate issuers and for the component invested in government issuers. In addition, issuers that are found to have significant involvement in coal mining or unconventional oil & gas activities and, at the same time, achieve an ESG score of less than 30/100 are to be excluded. These thresholds derive from the evaluation methodology adopted by the data provider, according to which a score of at least 50/100 represents a ‘robust’ level of performance by the rated issuer, while below 30/100 represents a ‘weak’ level of performance. The investment strategy of the Specific Asset Allocation and the Separate Account requires that at least 65% of the assets are invested in such a way as to meet the ESG criteria described above.