Reduction of the Group's total emissions in line with the objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement and contribute to limiting global warming to 1.5°C

Reduction of the Group's total emissions in line with the objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement and contribute to limiting global warming to 1.5°C

Poste Italiane, in line with its adhesion to the Paris Agreement and the New Green Deal, has set itself the ambitious goal of making its contribution to the achievement of international carbon neutrality objectives by 2030, well ahead of the timeframe defined by the European Union.

In the path of transition towards carbon neutrality and in order to reduce the direct impact that Poste Italiane’s activities may have on the climate, the Group is implementing specific initiatives aimed at increasing energy efficiency, such as the use of 99% of electricity coming from Guarantee of Origin certified renewable sources, the expansion of the photovoltaic project, the continuation of the Smart Building project, the installation of approximately 85,000 LED lighting fixtures, the replacement of gas boilers with heat pumps, as well as the implementation of a Fleet Renewal Plan for the complete replacement of the entire vehicle fleet with low-emission models.