Sustainability of production processes Padua sorting centre awarded in the Lean

Sustainability of production processes

Padua sorting centre awarded in the Lean World Class 

The sorting centre in Padua was awarded as part of Poste Italiane’s Lean World Class mail and parcel programme for the development of a lean culture and process optimisation. The scores obtained during the audits enabled the centre, which has made sustainability and production efficiency its strong points, to reach the bronze goal.

The Padua sorting centre has been placed on the highest podium of the Lean certification for having been able to develop the synergy between production efficiency, sustainability and safety in a particularly virtuous way, through a gradual and continuous improvement fuelled also by the direct suggestions of those working on the front line. In particular, the lean path involves process efficiency, as well as a focus on safety and quality, which requires bottom- up involvement, as the operational staff is directly involved in the change and operational activities.