Matteo Petrella, Director
Born in Rome in 1981.
Graduated in Economics and Business Sciences at the University of Roma Tre, he obtained a master’s degree in "Governance, Control Systems and Internal Auditing in public and private companies" from the same university.
Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor, with ten years’ experience in tax consultancy and subsidized finance instruments, he is an expert in risk management and corporate compliance, also with regard to the insurance sector, and in particular the application of corporate responsibility legislation, internal and external corporate auditing, as well as in privacy, cybersecurity and sustainability issues (ESG).
Technical consultant and expert in the field of company evaluations and due diligence, he is a member of Supervisory Bodies (pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001) and auditor of various companies.
He is a member of the Study Commission on the liability of Entities pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01 at the Order of Accountants of Rome and Lecturer at the "Aldo Sanchini" Training School of Chartered Accountants on issues relating to Supervisory Bodies.
He is currently Senior Consul of NexumStp SpA and Team Leader of the Tax BU of Rome.
He is a member of the Board of Directors of Roma Servizi per la Mobilità S.r.l.As a students’ representative, he was a director of the University of Roma Tre and a member of the Budget, Personnel and Student commissions.
He has been appointed member of the Board of Directors of Poste Italiane since 8 May 2023.