Campus Italia with Universities

Campus Italia with Universities

Poste Italiane for the development of its people

In 2023, Poste Italiane launched the “Campus Italia” project, an initiative that stems from the alliance with the country’s leading universities and destined to give rise to the first five development and training centres for Group employees. The Company has entered into around 50 agreements with the best Italian universities and training institutions, with the aim of developing these partnerships to the maximum in order to create advanced technological and training spaces.

The new training centres are planned in the cities of Milan, Venice, Bologna, Rome, Naples and Palermo, so that Poste Italiane’s people can be deployed throughout the country.

“Campus Italia” is intended to be a project of excellence, through which Group employees will have the opportunity to develop new skills and obtain certifications. Aware that valuing people is one of Poste Italiane’s strategic pillars, the project will help make the Company even more attractive on the labour market.