Diversity and Inclusion Training

Diversity and Inclusion Training

Poste Italiane promotes a barrier-free culture 

Generations in the Company 
Poste Italiane has made the online training course available to the entire company population, with the aim of providing awareness of the characteristics of the different generations present in the Company, learning what to implement in order to overcome differences with colleagues and to be an active part in a social context characterised by the coexistence of different lifestyles, work relations and cultural approaches.

Disability: a plural future without barriers 
In order to foster and support the development of a more inclusive culture and stimulate a collaborative, supportive working environment open to everyone’s contributions, great attention was also given to the issue of disabilities. Also in a training perspective, the webinar “Disability: a plural future without barriers” was delivered, with the aim of fostering understanding not only of the term but above all of the stereotypes and prejudices ingrained inside and outside the corporate system.

Training cycle and workshops 
During 2023, the training cycle concluded with a further 16 innovation laboratories aimed at territorial operational heads, who with the polarity thinking methodology concretely addressed the issues relating to one of the four dimensions that constitute the Diversity & Inclusion Policy, putting themselves concretely at stake and drawing up their own personal action plan. To share the evidence from the various workshops, a further 4 thematic follow-up webinars were organised with the participation of all target group colleagues.

During the follow-ups, external guests intervened with inspirational speeches and focused on key trends in order to foster greater contextualisation to business challenges.

Inclusive language 
Poste Italiane has designed an e-learning course aimed at encouraging widespread reflection on the value and impact of language and offering participants knowledge of neutral communication techniques and methods. It will be made available to the entire company population in early 2024.

LGBTQ+ Awareness 
During 2023, the Company committed to carrying out campaigns and awareness-raising actions on issues of labour inclusion and LGBTQ+ rights. In particular, 15 news items highlighting thematic events and initiatives were published, and the first issue of the podcast series “In other words” was released. Similarly, an online course was implemented, which started in November 2022 and delivered throughout 2023 for new recruits. With reference to the management target group, a further webinar on the same subject was organised.