“EduFin”: Poste Italiane promotes financial education

“EduFin”: Poste Italiane promotes financial education

Poste Italiane introduced and continues to promote a specific Financial Education Programme, designed to enable the most fragile and at-risk individuals to make informed economic choices and understand financial issues in a simple way. This is an objective of significant social and institutional value as an enabling factor for the adoption of informed choices in a constantly evolving socio-economic context.

The initiatives are implemented through the provision of free and accessible content to all citizens, through three courses delivered in webinar or in-presence mode and a section of the website dedicated to Financial Education.

As part of its sustainability strategy, the Group has set specific objectives related to Financial Education activities in order to ensure increased inclusiveness, and publicly discloses them in its Financial Report. With reference to the year 2023, 24 financial education events took place in which approximately 12,000 citizens participated. These initiatives helped to improve and refine the financial literacy of participants at the events, contributing to the achievement of Poste Italiane’s goal.