Parks – Liberi e Uguali

Parks – Liberi e Uguali

Gender identity and coexistence of differences

The collaboration with “Parks - Free and equal” continues in 2023, a non-profit association whose members are exclusively employers, which aims to provide support to member companies, bodies and institutions in understanding the potential of business related to the development of strategies and good practices that respect diversity, in order to create work environments that are inclusive and respectful of the entire company population, with particular attention to those who belong to the LGBTQIA+ community.

Poste Italiane actively promotes inclusion policies to protect diversity, and the collaboration with Parks significantly contributes to further strengthening this path. Numerous awareness- raising initiatives have been implemented aimed at valorising plurality, accompaniment in cases of gender transition, consultancy in the definition of training and communication programmes and evolutionary integration in work processes and relationships.

The collaboration aims to consolidate the cultural positioning of the Company in its diversity management journey.

Among these initiatives is the creation of an e-learning course aimed at promoting awareness on the issues of affective orientation and gender identity. It starts from the origin of the acronym LGBTQI+ and proceeds to outline the main barriers to inclusion. The primary objective is to raise participants’ awareness of these issues, enabling them to identify these barriers and subsequently address them constructively.