Poste Italiane - Close to customers’ needs

Poste Italiane - Close to customers’ needs

During 2023, the range of financial services was expanded. In particular, the new version of the Prestito BancoPosta On Line was released, reserved for current account holders and totally available via internet banking. In addition, for the Quinto BancoPosta Pensionati (Pension-Backed Loan of one-fifth) there are promotional offers with interest rates on promotion, to encourage the financial inclusion of the specific target group. These initiatives were supported by commercial campaigns and communication activities on press and web channels.

Among the initiatives carried out in the area of current accounts, the new Poste Italiane APP was released, continuing the process of digitalising current account holders through the introduction of innovative transactional services in the App to improve the customer experience when using digital channels. The new “Poste Italiane App” for mobile devices includes all digital services with the aim of offering a single access point with an intuitive and simplified navigation model for order and informative operations from a mobile channel.

In the area of investments and savings, the methods of subscribing to investment funds remotely were extended through the release of the online fund management platform and, with the aim of facilitating the process of digitalisation of customers in a multi-channel perspective, the methods of subscribing to signature tools in Post Offices were revised.

In particular, it was made possible to use the Advanced Electricity Signature (FEA), also in the physical channel, allowing the Postal Savings customer to sign with a single tool at different touch points, eliminating hard copies and streamlining the signature process at the Post Office.

In the area of insurance services, the Group planned the evolution of caring and loyalty actions towards customers, through the provision of outbound telephone campaigns and the sending of text messages integrated with BancoPosta’s campaign with a view to increasing the redemption of initiatives (sending communications relating to the Poste Vita and Poste Assicura instalment skip and Poste Vita maturity dates). In the course of 2023, the customer journeys of the digital assistance of Poste Vita and Poste Assicura were refined with the aim of improving the tool on the voice and chat bot side. Poste Vita also planned to open a telephone and written assistance channel for life insurance policies in the BancoPosta APP, providing a new channel for customer support in a multi-channel approach. A multifunctional working table is being set up to streamline the claims assistance process at Poste Assicura.

In the area of telephony, in view of the major change in the process of mobile line portability, which had led to major difficulties for customers, process optimisation features were introduced over the past year, both customer- and service-side, in order to increase the success rate of the switch. The second half of the year also saw the completion of the release of the VoLTe service on all enabled terminals, which allows simultaneous voice and data traffic. Finally, with a view to supporting digitalisation, two important push notifications were released in March in the Postepay App, enabling customers to be informed in advance of the depletion of their residual credit and the renewal date of their tariff plan, so that they can load and give continuity to the service, reducing moments of fault.