Security in Logistics

Security in Logistics

With specific reference to the logistics and delivery sector, which presents greater exposure to risks associated with road traffic, Poste Italiane has implemented various initiatives, including constant risk assessment and updating of risk assessment documents (DVR) in response to reorganisations in the sector of the delivery.

It is planned to record any type of event (from unsafe condition to unsafe action, medication and near miss) in a new computer application, S-EWO, with an in-depth analysis of the dynamics of accidents, as well as to increase the use of the sanctioning lever in cases of non-compliance with existing procedures/instructions.

With the aim of disseminating information on the accident phenomenon throughout the territory, daily, weekly and monthly reporting has been established at central level. Furthermore, in order to conduct an adequate analysis of the phenomenon and promote the sharing of best practices, the presence of a monthly Security Committee with all the Logistics Macro Areas (MAL) coordinated by the central Security and Infrastructure structure is highlighted.

As regards the reduction of accident events, the Group has adopted substantial measures, such as the replacement of all equipment that constituted sources of potential accidents with new equipment, such as Automated guided vehicles instead of man-on-board trolleys and/or pallet trucks.

Lastly, thanks to constant innovation, Poste Italiane uses modern types of sorting equipment (TOP2K, XMS, Solysort, Easy Sorter) and has introduced the “App Safety” function for the post officer’s PDA that allows: 

  • self-certification by workers of the PPE worn prior to the start of outdoor work; 
  • increasing the risk awareness of post officers by involving them in the detection of unsafe conditions, near misses and accidents; 
  • promptly informing post officers of imminently dangerous conditions; 
  • speeding up the dissemination of information/news/procedures related to occupational safety and the environment.