Strengthening the presence of Poste Italiane in the territory, with initiatives and interventions to benefit increasingly larger and more widespread territorial areas

Strengthening the presence of Poste Italiane in the territory, with initiatives and interventions to benefit increasingly larger and more widespread territorial areas

During 2023, the Sponsorship and Donations Committee met 10 times, evaluating a total of 382 initiatives, of which 94 had favourable outcome. In continuity with previous years, in the choice of initiatives to be supported, priority was given to those with a significant social impact, aimed in particular at the peripheral areas of the country. Through initiatives and interventions benefiting increasingly large and capillary territorial areas, Poste Italiane has involved the entire national territory, with the aim of strengthening its presence in the territory.

In particular, the target of increasing the number of Italian Municipalities involved in initiatives supported by Poste Italiane of 10% compared to 2022 was largely achieved in the financial year 2023, thanks to the involvement of 384 Italian Municipalities. 

Poste Italiane continued to support events and initiatives throughout the country with a preference for projects of a socio-cultural nature. In particular, importance was given to the company’s presence in peripheral territories, strengthening its intervention in favour of local communities by supporting initiatives to promote the sectors related to Culture and Art, without neglecting support for initiatives falling within the “Well-being and Social Inclusion” sphere aimed at the most vulnerable people living in situations of hardship.