Water consumption monitoring certified according to ISO 14001:2015

Water consumption monitoring certified according to ISO 14001:2015

As regards the water supply in the sites owned by Poste Italiane, this occurs through withdrawal from the national water network, mainly intended for use for sanitary purposes, with the consequent discharge into the municipal sewer system. The Group’s objective is to minimise the overall use of water resources, by monitoring consumption, and to minimise the volume of water to be disposed of as industrial waste, by monitoring production. 

As regards the activities of Postel SpA, water is supplied through local aqueducts or from wells for which it has a concession, mainly for uses similar to domestic ones or for air conditioning systems. Only at the Melzo and Pomezia sites is the water used for industrial purposes, with waste from industrial activities directed to disposal plants. Water that can be assimilated to domestic water or water from precipitation, on the other hand, is disposed of in accordance with local regulations and the relevant concessions. 

With reference to the activities of SDA SpA, the water supply of the sites comes mainly from municipal aqueducts and only in three of these is water derived from wells used. Water use is mainly for sanitary purposes, bathrooms and cleaning. In addition, the water supply for the Rome Hub, Milan and Bologna sites is provided by a rainwater harvesting system, which is used to irrigate the adjacent green areas. 

As concerns water consumption monitoring, Poste Italiane adopts an integrated quality/environmental/ safety management system certified according to ISO 14001:2015. At the SDA SpA offices, a meter reading register is compiled on a monthly basis, in which the water consumption readings are noted. These data are centralised to calculate the overall annual consumption and the average daily consumption. On the basis of consumption, through a specific indicator called “WCI” (Water Consumption Indicator), it is possible to relate consumption to productivity, i.e. “litres/shipping”. Subsequently, a ranking is drawn up highlighting the locations with high consumption, in order to identify any anomalous situations. The objective of the SDA SpA offices is to maintain a level compliant with the average value of the WCI indicator, with the aim of reducing the WCI by 5%. The volumes of water resources used and discharged, in accordance with the provisions of the various concessions, are reported to the local authorities, who proceed with the prescribed analyses. Suppliers contracted to use water resources under Group agreements manage this resource in accordance with the contractual clauses and local concessions in force at the sites where they operate.